My easter was special: I came out to my parents
After hearing this, we looked at each other and cried together
After hearing this, we looked at each other and cried together
Many people need to embark on a journey to deconstruct their incorrect and inexact notions of the LGBT+ persons and understand that sexual orientation should never be a problem for Christianity
Vous pouvez voter jusqu’à minuit du 28 février 2020, il suffit de cliquer, même depuis un téléphone portable
LGBT+ Communiy accross the globe celebrated this decision for its protection for LGBT+ community by criminalising homophobic acts.
Agnes’ story is so sad and actual, it is a story of violence and arrogance, the story of thousands of lambs who die everyday in the frozen snows of Bosnia or of those that run away from fire and logging of the Amazonian forest.
Mi chiamo Leonard, sono gay, ma a volte sono costretto a dichiararmi bisessuale, in quanto essere gay in Camerun, il mio Paese, sembra essere inammissibile per la società. Il fatto di essere gay ha cambiato il mio
He, however, made it clear to everyone that his father declaring homosexuality “anti- christian” didn’t change his love to him or to any member of his family.
While countries are moving toward penalizing homophobia and banning conversion therapy, Museveni, the president of Uganda calls homosexuals “deviants”
The question that arises is then; how much do people know about their cultures, traditions and faith as they were before colonialism, so as to truly understand what their culture is (the claim of an “African culture” as not taking into account the diversity of such a big continent)?
L’omosessualità è un forte tabù in Egitto, non solo tra i musulmani, ma anche tra la minoranza cristiana, anche se non è esplicitamente proibita dalla legge.