Category: English

A Queer Lent

Text published on HackNScript, Queer and Blogging, March 12, 2014 A Continuous Lent Lent is a time of self reflection and personal denial, but for me as a queer person it can be a...

My brother is gay

My brother is gay, and I don’t see anything strange about him. I personally don’t think brotherhood should be affected by sexual orientations.
Gay or straight I don’t mind, we are brothers that’s what matters to me. I believe the rest should not have a place in a family. Though outside it could be challenging.

My different way of loving

There are and will always be a shadow in our relationship, that is the price we are paying but it doesn’t make us less happy.

Forms of Discrimination of LGBT People in Ghana

Ghana follows in the footsteps of numerous other African countries in seeing homosexuality as alien to Ghanaian culture, and a western neo-imperial imposition. However, despite this popular belief, homosexuality has existed and has been practiced in Ghana.

Homosexuality in Zimbabwe: A Reality!

The labelling of homosexuality as unAfrican has tended to create the impression that homosexuality was non-existent in precolonial African communities. The label has been widely interpreted in the light of the origins of homosexuality.