Category: News

HOCODI – Uganda

Holistic Community Development Initiative Uganda (HOCODI-UG) is a nonprofit Community Based Organization that was established in 2011 with a goal of advocating for rights of marginalized categories of people including members of LGBTQI ,...

Finding God in a time of lockdown

Article by Annemarie Paulin-Campbell* published by the Jesuit Institute South Africa, March 27th, 2020 As we enter lockdown, we find ourselves in unfamiliar and daunting territory. Those of us who live alone may fear...

Faith in a time of pandemic

Article by Anthony Egan SJ* published by the Jesuit Institute South Africa, March 20th, 2020 It’s happened before. Plagues and viruses have been with us since the dawn of humanity. So too has the sense...

Forms of Discrimination of LGBT People in Ghana

Ghana follows in the footsteps of numerous other African countries in seeing homosexuality as alien to Ghanaian culture, and a western neo-imperial imposition. However, despite this popular belief, homosexuality has existed and has been practiced in Ghana.

Homosexuality in Zimbabwe: A Reality!

The labelling of homosexuality as unAfrican has tended to create the impression that homosexuality was non-existent in precolonial African communities. The label has been widely interpreted in the light of the origins of homosexuality.