Zanele Muholi’s Photographs Celebrate Radical, Queer, Black Beauty
It’s about…documenting the realities of people who deserve to be heard, who deserve to be seen, and who are often excluded as part of the canon.
It’s about…documenting the realities of people who deserve to be heard, who deserve to be seen, and who are often excluded as part of the canon.
on’t let any person with a law kind of mindset, ignorant about the word of God and the world its self, with a lot of insecurities, let you down or make you feel less of yourself because you are a child of God and he will love you as He did before now and forever
LGBTQ people deserve to be treated with respect, compassion and sensitivity, and deserve to be welcomed and protected.
L’Eglise devrait recommander aux pays où la violence contre les personnes LGBT est fréquente quelles mesures doivent être prises pour mettre fin à cette violence.
Some of these groups appear to be spending increasing amounts of money in Africa.
It is a calling for the catholic church to promote inclusivity not only within the church but also for inclusive laws.
We have rediscovered the common baptismal vocation that makes us all children of one Father
This experience helped me a lot in dealing with people who are different from me. Not only sexually but also from different perspectives
Maintenant, je suis heureux de savoir que Dieu ne m’a pas oublié et aime aussi mon homosexualité.
If we will put true love at the center of our relations and activities, our families and communities would be peaceful places where each individual’s dignity is constantly protected and affirmed.